This journey has taught me so much about myself. Looking back on the past year I am so proud of where Nick and I are right now. A year ago today I had my follow-up appointment for my surgery where we were told how bad the endometriosis was. Doc K had found 24 cysts on my ovaries (the PCOS), and the severe endo tissue. On this day a year ago we really began the journey for Baby D. I feel like I can still remember the jab to the heart when our options were laid on the table. Nick was deploying a little less than 6 weeks from that day and the planner in me was screaming.
One of the most common questions we get is "how long have you been trying to conceive?" For some reason, that one always makes me laugh. In my mind and my heart, we have been trying for a year. The month and a half we tried before Nick deployed, the six months I put my body through hot flash after hot flash, the three months or so after Nick got home, and up to this point now. In my mind, we have been trying since this day this last year when we realized how hard it was going to be.
However, in an unplanned twist, today is not only the year mark of Journey to Baby D, but it is also the first day of the second round of treatments! I am feeling more optimistic this time around and I am rooting for my little 5mm buddy to grow and flourish.
To help us, even more, we are having Nick get blood work done, and some other test to ensure his swimmers are R E A D Y T O P A R T Y. We won't go into detail about that one.
A few people have asked me how they can help us. I am so blessed to be able to have such an amazing support team, both our family and our Baby D Team on here. Right now the biggest thing anyone can do for us in keep us in your prayers, your thoughts, your vibes. Feel free to send me messages, or share this blog. We are taking it day by day and know it will lead us to Baby D.
xoxo, ALD