Goodmorning Team D! You know it is going to be a good day when you roll out of bed and Mother Nature has graced you with her presence. How crazy is it that I pray for a period? I WANT to wake up with a period every 28 days. The 13-year-old me is slapping me across the face right now trying to remember the first (and only) time I had one on my own. Ever since I can remember I have turned to some kind of pill for help getting my period, whether it be birth control or Provera, or any other medicine that I was young and naive to not ask questions about. Of course, though, the excitement last about 10 seconds and then I realize I cannot just lay back in bed with a heating pad, rom-com, and 3 tubs of ice cream (now the 13-year-old me is laughing).
This is good though! This means our little 5mm bud is possibly growing and encouraging the other little shitheads to grow too. Since I started this morning today is Day 1. The Femara (the actual infertility pill) will start on Day 3, and the shots will start on Day 5. We will (or I will), go back to V on the 2nd to check our progress. Nick started Scout Sniper School this week and we already had a surprise trip to the field so he, unfortunately, will not be able to attend doctor appointments for the next few months. I am pretty sure I said in a previous post that he is the one that retains and I am the one that sits there and thinks about other things, so this will be interesting.
Keep us in your prayers Team D!
xoxo, ALD
This is not about the journey, but it is something I wanted to talk about. One of my friends over here in North Carolina lost her home and one of her pups to a house fire while she was out the other day. Thankfully she is okay and in a safe place right now. She is now faced with rebuilding her life and can use all the help she can get. She is an amazing young woman who purchased and remodeled this home on her own. If anyone can help out please do, please pray for her, and please share this account. I will be posting the link here and on my Facebook for easier sharing.