Can January please be over with? I am going to warn you all right now this post is going to be very whiney! As you all know, my lovely husband has taken a big step in his Marine Corps career and got accepted into the Scout Sniper platoon. Well, for a couple weeks we thought he was going to be leaving for school in April in Quantico VA, for three months. Of course, that completely threw me for a loop and put a bit of a damper on our baby making plans. Right away the planner in me was looking up hotels, figuring out when (and if) I ovulate so I could go visit, and what steps to take with our treatments. It has been a crazy journey for him so far, we are barely seeing one another and our daily lives have been completely absorbed by it. Scout Snipers is all we talk about, think about, and spend money on. Last week he went to the field kind of as a "let us see if you get a spot in school THIS month instead of April" scenario. Thursday he came home and told me he passed land navigation, meaning he had a spot here in NC and would not have to leave! YAY! That very awesome news was followed by "but I am leaving Sunday for a month, three hours away". Cue me going from excited to fudge my life in 3.2 seconds.
In perfect Amanda fashion, the DAY Nick left I got sick. Woke up this morning and could not even swallow. For the first time in my life this year I got a flu shot, figured working with kids it would be a good idea. Guess who got the flu anyway? To add perfectly smooth whip cream to the top of it, they are testing me for mono also. Please hold the anti-vaccine comments, I was doing what I believed was best for me at that time. I was not going to tell Nick because why would I want to worry him with something out of his control while he is away from home? He ended up bugging me to know what is wrong and I told him anyway. There is just some kind of relief in having your man tell you he loves you when you are feeling down.
So aside from my series of unfortunate events, we started our double dose of Femara on Friday and our injections last night. My amazing neighbor has offered to do the injections for me even though I am sick. This is such an exciting time and we are so anxious for the doctor's appointment on Friday to see if this has worked. Friday is the ultrasound to see how much the follicle has grown. V is going to be out of town so Doc K is going to do the ultrasound and then V wants to see me herself Tuesday when she returns.

So far I cannot tell if I am getting any side effects from the double Femara dose since I got sick soon after. The only thing I have noticed from the shots is a little pain in the injection site. Tomorrow is the last day of the shots and the Femara for the month.
Of course, I have my days where I am super excited about this, but then I have my moments of being completely over not being pregnant yet. Every day I learn more and more about people around me and how they have gone through similar paths with beautiful outcomes. It gives me so much hope. You never know who you are impacting when you share your stories, so please never stop sharing. Talk to a friend, talk to a stranger, share your struggles and achievements. It could help someone.
Keep praying Team D.
xoxo, ALD