I know I promised a super exciting guest writer for this blog post, and maybe one day it will happen but life is so crazy lately and this just has not been a priority. Hopefully soon, I know you will all enjoy it. For now, you are stuck with me!
And with that, I welcome you all to T R A N S F E R M O N T H !

Ever since Chuck joined the military, my life has revolved around countdowns. A countdown to the day he leaves, a countdown till he comes home (usually combined with a tentative countdown or two), and then it starts all over again. Starting IVF has been no different. Countdown after countdown, we try to pinpoint dates and times and moments that are going to change our life forever. It’s odd counting down to the moment we will be pregnant, or not being pregnant yet but having a due date. With every new step we take during this process, it gets weirder and weirder- interesting.

If you are friends with me on Facebook or Instagram, then you already know our expected transfer date but we have not shared our “due date” yet. If you really wanted to know it would not be hard to figure out, but we are going to wait for our positive pregnancy test to announce the due date. We have become so grateful for the time between transfer. It has given me such needed time to decompress and really heal. I have felt so stress-free lately and I know that is so vital in this process. Nick and I have explored a lot of Eastern NC this past 3 weeks and really just enjoyed being together.
(click arrow to view more)
The end of June and early July is filled with blood work and ultrasounds. Tomorrow I have my second ultrasound to check my lining and see how the Estrogen medication I am on has been working. I can tell you right now, it is working. I was blindly expecting to be on estrogen pills and feel great. Maybe my nails would grow, my hair look shampoo commercial-worthy, but instead I am over the toilet constantly, laid up with pounding headaches, struggling to keep anything I eat inside me. It’s been rough. These pills are going to be around for a while though so I am hoping this is just the early stages of my body getting used to them. Hopefully everything continues to look nice and we can start progesterone injections next week.
It is so surreal that it is all happening. I keep waiting for something to go wrong, even though that’s horrible. We are getting more and more excited about being parents as the days pass. Chuck talks about being a dad frequently, and it makes me so happy. For now, you can find me laid up with a headache, scrummaging through the pantry, or exploring ENC. Keep praying Team D - only 14 days until transfer
xoxo, ALD
Baby D IVF ttd: $12,344.38
Consultation: $124
Nurses Class & Procedure - $7,965
Medications - $1,644.38
Saline Ultrasound - $470
Medications Pharm. 2 - $450
Monitor Visits - $750
OHSS Ultrasound - $97
ICSI for 20 eggs - $300
Cryopreservation for 9 Embabies - $400
FET Nurses Class - $55
Embryo follow up - $89
(All social media links are connected to the blog. See icons on the top of any page.)