I have struggled for a while trying to figure out exactly what type of blog this is. It started as a personal way to express what I was going through. A way to let out my frustrations and document my journey of infertility. Then it became an IVF blog. Then a couple of pregnancy post, now granted I had all expectations of continuing this blog religiously to be a pregnancy blog. That did not quite pan out, now did it. It was not until I got pregnant that I realized just how insanely up and down and crazy my life was. Sure, taking 30 minutes or so to write a blog and update my followers seems terribly easy, but it just was not. Juggling all of the pregnancy struggles we have been through, all of the inconsistencies with Nicks deployment, not knowing where I would be or what I was going to do if he left, it all just consumed even that east 30-minute window I wish I had. Now I am laying here and wondering where this blog and this journey will take me next. Dallas Rose will be making her grand entrance soon and in my mind I have all these ideas. I will do a room tour, a must have baby purchase list, a labor story, and hopefully continue as a mom blog. But I want that window of hope and inspiration from where this blog started, to stay. I want my girls who read this to get hope for their own journey to not get saddened and defeated by what this new chapter brings me. That’s the hardest part about being so open with a journey like this. You never expect to feel guilt. But, I do. I feel guilty that it worked for us yet so many people still struggle. I think I possibly do not give myself enough credit, that I feel I owe something to the world that I simply do not owe. I want to be a voice, an advocate, I want to continue to be the person who strangers can message and vent their story too. So, I apologize, to all my followers and supporters and I promise to do better. I want to continue to take you all on the rest of this journey. This is the beginning of change for D girl and me! We have lots of plans in the making for something exciting and we hope to take all of our original followers on the journey with us. Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts for always being part of the JTBD team. There is a special place in our souls for each of you.
Xoxo, ALD