Someone at work said something interesting to me today. It was one of those things where I had to take a second to think about it before it truly hit me. You never really think about how common infertility is until you go through it, until you open up about your story and give others the strength to open up about theirs as well. I have a co-worker who struggled for three years with infertility. She has been my go to lately for a quick selfish moment of "why me" "what did I do wrong". She knows. She has been there. She has had every selfish, sad, unrealistic, and unreasonable thought that I have. I am so thankful for her and I hope she is reading this right now.
We were on the topic of what people say to you to try and help you feel better. "It will happen", "You're so strong", and the one I hear all the time "you're going to be a great mom someday". That was the one that my co-worker looked at me and said "but you already are a great mom". I kind of looked at her for a second and it did not hit me what she meant until I realized everything I am going through for this tiny human that does not even exist yet. I am putting my body through hell. I am injecting and ingesting things that I cannot even pronounce. I am changing my diet. I am changing my habits. I am saving money. I am doing what any woman who becomes pregnant would do. I am working so hard for this child that does not even have a heartbeat yet, or a name, or a home in my body. I am already an amazing mom because of all the trials and tribulations I am going through to get there.
That was one of those moments where I was happy. Where all of the heartache and anger stopped and a sense of accomplishment and being proud of myself overcame me. I have to admit, it felt pretty damn good.
If you are going through this or you have gone through it, or you simply know someone who is, know that you are a fighter. You are worth it, you are strong and powerful. Know that you are a great mom.
Keep praying Team D.
xoxo, ALD