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Welcome to Journey to Baby D
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Married and Single
Being a military spouse, I have gotten terribly used to being alone. I have grown to actually enjoy the first few days of my husband...

The First Few Weeks
A collection of photos that show the raw moments of the first few weeks with a newborn. A lot,, if not all,, women have a photo of them...
The B Word
Now, now, if you opened this with the mind set that you would find something your mother would put soap in your mouth for, then you are...

Dear Daddy, We Did It, Love Dallas
Our precious Dallas Rose, the absolute inspiration behind this blog, and the ultimate goal in the Journey to Baby D, made her debut March...
It is Okay to Hate Being Pregnant
Pregnancy. An absolutely beautiful and miraculous privilege that God has given only women the honor of participating in. Life. Growing...

I have struggled for a while trying to figure out exactly what type of blog this is. It started as a personal way to express what I was...

When Does a Life Become a Life?
You go into something like IVF with these blind goals, as I like to call them. Everyone has the same number one goal, to get pregnant....

Giving You my Heart, and More
When Chuck and I decided to begin IVF we knew that we were going to be diving into an absolute adventure. We knew it would be something...

"Welcome to Pregnancy"
I have said from the beginning, and I will forever say this, every single pregnancy is beautiful and every single baby is a blessing. It...

Better Late Than Never?
I try so hard to pride myself on being someone who people want to know. Someone who has a story worth telling. A person people can and...
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