I have to take the time out to talk about faith. I am not only referring to having faith in God, and in your life but faith in others. The trust and confidence in someone.
I am not a complainer, I am not a person who ever plays the poor me card. However, my life (our life) has been rocky lately, to say the least. We have been dealing with property management issues, car issues, and now the stress of IVF cost. I was in the process of going back to school, something I have always wanted to do. I was emailing advisors, getting my transcripts, really feeling hopeful about something for the first time in a while. With the decision to go the IVF route, school is now out of the picture. Picking a baby over a degree was a very easy choice to make. To put it bluntly, life has sucked lately. Nothing feels right, nothing feels good.
But then, our faith was touched, our faith in humanity was restored. Friends have come together and decided to help in our fight for Baby D. Donating profits from their own businesses to help us achieve our dream. Friends are reaching out and sharing their own stories, they are looking towards Nick and me for encouraging words, a shoulder to lean on.

I had a friend message me completely broken over her infertility journey and she asked me how I do it. I had to ponder for a while on what to say. Do I tell her I cry every time I see a pregnancy announcement? How about the crying sessions in my car after each appointment? Do I tell her I only look like I can handle it when in reality this is the absolute hardest part of my life? But then I realized, you are all how I can do it. Every comment, every message, every visitor on this blog is how I keep on going. It is how my faith gets restored. These two amazing women, military spouses themselves, are stepping forward to help us. Please, check out their businesses, give them a shoutout for their amazing work and amazing generosity.

Team D, always remember that you may not know how greatly you affect people. You never know how reaching out to someone can save them. Be generous, be kind, be humble, be inquisitive, and be the faith in someone's dark day.
Keep praying Team D
xoxo, ALD
We have even had a couple people message us asking where they can send money. I wanted to avoid this because I felt weird accepting money from people, but if more people keep asking, we will set up a PayPal account. That way your money is protected, and you see where it is going. Again, Nick and I are overwhelmed with all of this support. We have so much love for you all!