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Welcome to Journey to Baby D
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I had all intentions of doing a “week post transfer” blog yesterday. Wanted to give you all an up to date post on what the past week has...

I Hope One Day You Read This
My dearest, I hope one day you are here to read this letter, I hope you have enjoyed learning everything that brought you here....

Pre-transfer Preparations
I try to wrap my brain around what is happening tomorrow, and I cannot. I am not nervous, or anxious, and as weird as it sounds I am not...

The Male Side of Infertility
When we first started dating, many moons ago, I remember finding out you had PCOS and being told by the doctor how hard it would be to...

Welcome to Transfer Month
I know I promised a super exciting guest writer for this blog post, and maybe one day it will happen but life is so crazy lately and this...

Baby Mindset
I did not think I would be so happy about having a break after egg retrieval. Not having to stick myself with nasty hormones, a break...

Reach Out to a Strong Friend
If I have learned anything of value during my journey it has been that it is okay to not be strong. I have learned to accept defeat,...
Surviving the Ice Age
IVF has been one of those things in life where nobody likes to talk about the super difficult parts. Every appointment prior to starting...

1 in 8
The Medical Dictionary defines infertility as: "the failure of a couple to conceive a pregnancy after trying to do so for at least one fu...
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